Thanks to Logan's Run for hosting a great BC last night! It was great to have our new member La Mademoiselle there, and also are newly revived ;) member Ms. K, plus little baby N. who treated us to some kicking and moving around. Ms. K, you look fantastic, we were so happy to see you! We also had Riley there, Logan's Run's roommate's dog; given that she didn't eat the dessert, she was much better behaved than Bella. Speaking of food, La Mademoiselle brought caprese skewers and salmon finger sandwiches with crème fraiche to start, then a decadent cheese casserole and salad for din, and (at least to the extent it didn't wind up on the floor) Ciao Bella gelato and cookies for dessert. Dalish!
On to the book. This was by far the lowest-rated book (both stories!) in BC history. In fact, the Doctor delivered our lowest score ever: 2. Other ratings were two 3's, 4, and two 5's. The reasons why the stories were disliked across the board are many. People thought the tone of the author was arrogant, the stories were depressing, demotivating, and violent, the "plots" dragged on to the extent that people started counting pages, and the characters were totally unsympathetic. We also could not figure out why this book is considered a "classic" or has any literary value (or, at least enough to be on school curriculums, which apparently it is). Was there a deeper meaning? Was the author trying to convey his personal philosophy? Were the books a sign of the times in the 1930's? Finally we decided, if nobody "got it," maybe there's nothing to get, the books just weren't that good.
Our next meeting will be TUESDAY, September 30, at the Doctor's house. Ms. K is bringing apps, and Red dessert. We'll be reading the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. El Jefe started this book last night when she got home from BC (yes, El Jefe is dedicated!) and wants to point out that even though it is on the heftier side, the type is big and it seems like it will be a quick read. See you at the next BC!
It's time for action...
11 years ago
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