Friday, July 8, 2005

The Corrections

Now this is a sign that BC really is coming into its own: we're beginning to have those meetings that become "remember when" episodes in book club history. As in, "Remember when Logan's Run's refrigerator was broken for 4 days and she hosted BC anyways? And the Foxx brought dessert in a cooler?" Props to Logan's Run for totally dealing and in perfect style, as usual. Really, you didn't have to, but we're all glad you did! La Mademoiselle made hot brie with apricot jam encased in filo dough, then, a make-you-own burger feast with two side salads by master griller Logan's Run, and topped off by some sort of yogurty-bananay-molassesy-chocolatey concoction for dessert that El Jefe has no idea what you'd call it except dalish!

The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen made a strong showing of 8 points on the nose. Grade inflation? Perhaps. But El Jefe would say overall people really liked the book and were glad to have read it. Clearly a character-driven novel, our conversation focused on each of the Lambert family members in turn. There wasn't much consensus on either a favorite or most-hated character. Rather, certain characters bothered people either more or less but that seemed to be the author's intention; as despicable as they were, there was a sympathetic side to everyone. But what if these were our friends rather than fictional characters? Would we still find them sympathetic, or would we find them totally outrageous and out-of-touch, and tell them to just start dealing better? How far does normal family idiosyncrasy go before it crosses the line into serious character flaws? There was more agreement on the funny parts of the book: Chip's exploits in Lithuania, Alfred's hallucinations about malicious talking Turds, Chip's salmon down the pants, and Gary's ridiculous escapade with electric saw and grill tools. Good times for all.

Our next book is The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles. See the last BC installment for a description and link. Meeting will be at Blondie's house on Tuesday, Aug. 2 (note the usual change of date). Ms. K is bringing apps, Logan's Run dessert. Everyone else: LOTS OF WINE--can't wait!!!! Also, don't forget your LOD suggestions, since we may try to pick two in a row again. Until next time, read early and often!

P.S. This is my last day at work before maternity leave. Email me at my personal e-mail for the next 4 months!!!!